I am a retired Veterinarian who has been Blessed with a beautiful wife of 61 years, 4 wonderful children, 11 amazing grandchildren and 4 precious great grandchildren. I’ve had a rewarding career caring for many 4-legged family members who provide us with unconditional love. 

My stand in life as a man of faith is a belief in our shared humanity, as imperfect as it is, that we also share goodness at our core. We exhibit this in so many ways…. risking our life saving a drowning child; rescuing someone in a burning car; donating a kidney to a perfect stranger and so much more.  We live together on this fragile planet called earth…. our collective home. Our home that needs saving for my 11 grandchildren, my 4 great grandchildren….and for yours.  

I am passionate about my Family, Faith, Friends, Horses, Dogs, Cats, Rotary, Service and Community. 

As a Veterinarian I am very aware of the negative effect climate change is having on our domestic animals and wildlife. Wildfires and melting icebergs are destroying habitat and displacing animals. With warming temperatures, ticks have been steadily moving north transmitting Lyme disease and other life-threatening diseases to both animal and human victims. Please join me in ensuring a safe planet for our children, grandchildren, beloved pets and wildlife by signing our Climate Resolution.  

My favorite quote:  

“Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in that gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat.” Theodore Roosevelt, 26th US President (1858-1919). 

My roles with Rotary: 

District 7180 

  • District 7180 ESRAG Task Force 
  • District 7180 ESRAG Leadership Team  

New Hartford Rotary Club 

  • Member (1981- present) 
  • Youth Exchange Chair (1983 -1985) 
  • Youth Exchange Host Family (1983-1985) 
  • Club President (1988-1989) & (2024-2025)