The Climate Restoration Alliance

People, NGOs, Corporations, First Nations and Faith Leaders are committing to restore the climate by 2050

People of Earth
are committing to restore the climate
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are committing to restore the climate
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are committing to restore the climate
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First Nations
are committing to restore the climate
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Faith Leaders
are committing to restore the climate
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We’re committing together to restore the climate by 2050.


Everyone wants to restore a proven safe climate for our children— one that humans have actually survived long-term. Nature has done it and we can do it too if we commit to it.


The Climate Restoration Alliance connects and empowers people and organizations committed to restore a livable climate, with carbon dioxide levels close to pre-industrial by 2050.


The Climate Restoration Alliance is a program of the Grandparents Climate Restoration Fund.


Is it possible?


People said that going to the moon and back was impossible in 1961. But with a national commitment, we did it.


Nature has cooled the planet by removing CO2 before each ice age, so we know that this is possible.  We also know how she’s done it.  By amplifying the same natural processes, and possibly others, we can restore CO2 to proven, safe levels by 2050. What we need is leadership and commitment.


What will it take to restore the climate?


In recent decades, visionaries, scientists, and entrepreneurs have developed and proven the methods that can restore the climate by 2050. Because natural methods are surprisingly cost-effective, there is more than ample funding that can be mobilized. In fact, after initial investment, we expect climate restoration to pay for itself, through the sale of goods that natural methods produce.


The major hurdle is that we as a society haven’t taken a stand to restore the climate. Since the early 1990s, United Nations climate reports and conferences have called for “stabilizing” greenhouse gas (GHG) levels.  That made sense 30 years ago, but stabilizing GHGs where they are today puts humanity’s very survival in doubt.


We are calling for the restoration of GHGs to safe pre-industrial levels— and stabilizing at those levels.  It’s a moral issue—we can’t accept playing Russian roulette with our children with levels higher than humans have ever survived long-term.


Does climate restoration mean abandoning net-zero?


Not at all. Climate restoration would achieve net-zero this decade, 20 years early, using nature’s methods to rapidly remove yesterday’s emissions as we continue reducing today’s emissions.


Join the Climate Restoration Alliance! 


We invite you and the organizations you work with to commit to a proven, safe climate and play a role in making it and help make climate restoration an idea whose time has come.
We invite you to:


  • Sign the pledge for climate restoration as an individual, and also as representing a group or company.
  • Invite your friends and colleagues to join the Alliance, too.
  • Commit to a monthly or annual contribution. Your donations will help fund climate restoration work and also ensure that you receive regular reminders to keep this common commitment alive in your work and community.
  • Add the motto: “Climate restoration is an idea whose time has come” to your social media bios.
  • Create a sticker, “Restoring the climate” to use in your postings.
  • Ask your organization or organizations to add their commitment and logo on the organization’s page. They can also use our logo on their site.

How will we know we’re having an impact?


We are aiming for a groundswell calling for climate restoration. The first outcome will be for global climate leadership to adopt this goal, so that humanity may flourish. Once leaders agree on the goal, we expect implementation to be both careful and swift. CO2 removal from the atmosphere will be monitored and measured.

Want to do more?


Become a Climate Restoration Alliance Ambassador and deliver the message of Climate Restoration to your people, or visit the Foundation for Climate Restoration and join or launch a local chapter. These groups are trained to joyfully influence local, regional, national, and global policymakers.

What is Climate Restoration?

Everyone wants to restore a safe climate — one that humans have actually survived long-term. In this “pre-industrial” climate, which allowed us to develop agriculture and thriving civilizations, atmospheric CO2 never rose above 300 parts per million (ppm). Today, CO2 levels are 420 ppm. Yet now we know how to bring CO2 back down to pre-industrial levels—and could do so by 2050.
Ocean iron fertilization (OIF) appears to be the fastest, safest and most effective climate restoration solution although it was controversial for a time. OIF restores fisheries and other marine life while also reducing CO2 levels at the scale needed to restore the climate. It requires little or no public funding: instead, the process produces revenue and taxes from revived fisheries.
Restoring the climate requires removing and storing a trillion tons of legacy CO2 by 2050. Nature has stored 99 percent of all the CO2 on earth in the form of limestone, made of calcium and CO2 by shellfish and other marine organisms.1 Nearly half carbon dioxide by weight, limestone is an ideal, permanent storage system for this greenhouse gas.
Restoring our climate will require pulling a trillion tons of legacy carbon dioxide from the atmosphere by 2050. Farming seaweed, mainly fast-growing kelp and sargassum, can help achieve climate restoration.
Methane is a potent greenhouse gas that causes about 1/3 of today’s global warming. Using Enhanced Atmospheric Methane Oxidation (EAMO), we can accelerate these processes and reduce atmospheric methane to pre-industrial levels. This could rewind warming back to 2002 levels by 2050 and protect humanity from catastrophic levels of melting permafrost.
More and more people are realizing: Even if we reach net zero by 2050, or stay “well under” 2°C of warming, our survival will still be in serious doubt.  That’s because there are already a trillion tons of CO2 in the atmosphere. This “legacy” CO2, emitted over the last 200 years, will continue to wreak havoc in our world—whether or not we decrease future emissions to near-zero.  

Endorse the Climate Restoration Resolution and Join the Alliance

To join the alliance, please follow these steps:

  1. Create a copy of the Climate Restoration Resolution Template.
  2. Edit and adapt it to your organization’s language and mission.
  3. Sign it, scan it, and upload the file using this form, by uploading the signed resolution you are giving us permission to post your organization name, logo, and resolution on our website.