To those who are committed to Climate Restoration:

The recent U.S. election has raised questions about the future of Climate Restoration efforts. To set the record straight: we are moving full speed ahead, and we do not anticipate any new barriers on the horizon. Our roadmap is simple: begin restoring the climate next year, reach full-scale by 2030 and restore the climate by 2050.

Progress is being made on all fronts: the projects are moving forward, funding campaigns are underway, and more and more people and organizations are adopting the Climate Restoration Resolution.

The Grandparents Fund for Climate Restoration supports critical Climate Restoration programs that can reach full-scale by 2030, and restore a safe climate for our children by 2050 and give them a livable planet.

One of these programs is the Climate Restoration Alliance that invites people, organizations and communities to commit to restoring the climate by 2050 and make Climate Restoration an idea whose time has come. (“Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come” — Victor Hugo).

We are pleased to feature our newest Climate Restoration Ambassador – Frank Mondi, who is also a member of the Climate Restoration Alliance Steering Committee.

Among other things, Frank was instrumental in getting the Climate Restoration Resolution introduced in Congress (see below), and in getting Rotarians, Clubs and Districts to commit to Climate Restoration.

A personal message from Frank is included below.

We will continue to keep you up to date on our progress and align our growing and powerful Climate Restoration community.

For future generations.

Ilan Mandel, The Grandparents Fund for Climate Restoration

Sensors & Buoy Test For Climate Restoration Projects

The first Climate Restoration project is developing nicely.

As you recall, OIF (Ocean Iron Fertilization) is about replicating a natural CO2 removal process by intentionally adding of small amounts of iron to the ocean surface to promote phytoplankton blooms.

Before launching the pilot OIF Project in the Philippines, we are planning a small experiment in California to test the measuring equipment. This involves deploying 3 buoys equipped with sensors connected via satellite.

The buoys will be deployed 60-70 miles off shore, and float around for about a month while we track their position and CO2 levels at their location.

A team of San Francisco Bay Area scientists and engineers is currently working on integrating a CO2 sensor with the buoy, so that CO2 data will be sent via the buoy’s built-in satellite communication.

As the Buoy Test Project developed, its budget grew to $70,000 with some added unexpected expenses. Our plan is to raise $50,000 from Rotary members and clubs, and match it with $20,000 from the Climate Restoration Fund.

The fundraising campaign was launched last week, and Rotarians are invited to make donations via the Rotarian Foundation of Livermore.

INTRODUCED: Climate Restoration Congressional Resolution

Whatever your reaction was to the result of the US Election on Nov 5 – Climate Restoration had a BIG WIN that day: The Climate Restoration Congressional Resolution (H.Res.1563) was introduced in Congress!

The resolution was sponsored by Rep. Thompson, Mike [D-CA] and sponsored by Rep. Anna Eshoo, G. [D-CA], Rep. Salud O. Carbajal, [D-CA], Rep. Shri Thanedar, [D-MI] and Rep. Joseph D. Morelle, [D-NY].

This is a huge step forward in making Climate Restoration an Idea Whose Time Has Come!

For our US friends: please thank your Member of Congress, or invite her/him to cosponsor it.

NEW: The Togo Bamboo Project

While removing the excess carbon from the atmosphere is our focus, we also support regional carbon removal projects that have the potential to scale, while providing social and economic co-benefits.

The Climate Restoration Fund is proud to support the Togo Bamboo Project, developed by the Climate Restoration Network, in partnership with multiple Togo stakeholders, including the Togolese Government.

Bamboo is known for its rapid growth rate and high carbon sequestration ability.

The Togo Bamboo Project aims to create a thriving and sustainable non-invasive Bamboo cultivation & industry on 10,000 hectares in the Northern region of Togo, near Tandjouare.

This project clarifies that the brand of Climate Restoration goes beyond just the atmosphere. We recommend that all climate action be branded as Climate Restoration since Climate Restoration is focused on the goal of giving our children a livable planet and everyone can participate.

Beyond direct employment, the project will engage with local communities to ensure their involvement and benefit. This will include educational programs on environmental stewardship, sustainable farming practices, and the benefits of bamboo in soil conservation and reforestation.

With this newsletter, we are officially launching the fundraising campaign for this project.

Climate Restoration Ambassador of the Month:
Frank Mondi


I am a retired Veterinarian who has been blessed with a beautiful wife of 61 years, 4 wonderful children, 11 amazing grandchildren and 4 precious great grandchildren.

I’ve had a rewarding career caring for many 4-legged family members who provide us with unconditional love.

As a man of faith, I believe that each of us is given an opportunity to have our lives make a difference in our world. A world where the lives of our children, grandchildren, pets and wildlife are at stake.

My favorite quote:

“Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in that gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat.”  

Theodore Roosevelt, 26th US President (1858-1919). 

I contribute to The Grandparent’s Fund on a regular basis as one expression of my caring, and I take every opportunity that I have to make a difference by bringing up the conversation about my concerns for our climate.

Please join us in making Climate Restoration an Idea Whose Time Has Come!

Please sign the resolution (or click my link below) and make a monthly contribution to express your commitment to future generations:

If you’d like to learn more about being a Climate Restoration Ambassador please reach out to us!


Frank A. Mondi, VMD
Climate Restoration Ambassador to Rotary