Dear Friends and Supporters,

As we close this year, we reflect on a journey fueled by hope, innovation, and your unwavering commitment to a livable future.

Together, through the Grandparents Fund for Climate Restoration, we have taken bold steps toward addressing one of humanity’s greatest challenges: restoring our climate to a safe and sustainable state.

From planting the seeds of transformative projects to building partnerships that amplify our impact, this year has been a testament to what we can achieve when we unite for a common cause.

With gratitude for your support and belief in this mission, we’re thrilled to share our milestones and the inspiring plans that lie ahead for the coming year. Together, we are proving that a restored climate is not just a dream—it’s within our reach.

Warm wishes for a joyful holiday season
and a hopeful, peaceful and restorative year ahead,

Ilan Mandel,
The Grandparents Fund for Climate Restoration

Some Of Our 2024 Achievements

The Climate Restoration Alliance was launched and now has a powerful steering committee and almost a dozen Climate Restoration Ambassadors.

Over 400 people and 10 new organizations adopted the Climate Restoration Resolution, bringing the total number to 17. The Resolution was also introduced in Congress (press release).

In 2025 we plan to reach 10,000 people, 100 organizations and 25 Climate Restoration Ambassadors.

The Climate Restoration Alliance Steering Committee

Climate Restoration Alliance Steering Committee
Climate Restoration Alliance Steering Committee

We have created a powerful alignment and collaboration with Rotary Clubs and Districts, and Rotarians are committing to making Climate Restoration an idea whose time has come. Our fundraising campaign with Rotary for the Buoy Test is progressing nicely, alongside our own campaign.

Climate Restoration MRV
(Monitoring, Reporting & Verification)

We are developing the field of CR-MRV (Climate Restoration Monitoring, Reporting & Verification) as a critical tool to measure, manage and monetize Climate Restoration carbon removal.

The Buoy Test Project (“Surface MRV”) is moving forward nicely. We purchased the first buoy and our team of San Francisco Bay Area scientists and engineers is working to integrate a CO2 sensor with the buoy, and start testing the equipment.

Assuming we’ll have sufficient funding, and everything goes well with the integration, our plan is to start the 30-day sea test in March.

Here is a picture from last week: Jagdish is activating the buoy data acquisition and satellite communication systems. This system will be used to send the sensor data to our back office for tracking and analyzing.

Jagdish activating the satellite communication network for the buoy
Jagdish activating the satellite communication network for the buoy

Significant progress has been made on developing the algorithm needed to analyze satellite images and calculate the carbon removal rate over time (“Satellite MRV”).

We’ll update more on that next year.

We made excellent progress in 2024, and 2025 will be the Year of Climate Restoration!

Together, we can restore the climate for future generations!

So, again, Warm wishes for a joyful holiday season
and a hopeful, peaceful and restorative year ahead,

Ilan Mandel,
The Grandparents Fund for Climate Restoration