Can we restore the climate with a simple, cost-effective process? The math behind ocean iron fertilization (OIF) suggests we can.

In his postPeter Fiekowsky breaks down the astonishing efficiency of OIF—how adding a small amount of iron to specific parts of the ocean can trigger massive phytoplankton blooms that pull CO₂ from the atmosphere. The numbers are staggering:

Key Takeaways:

  1. 1 ton of iron can capture up to 200,000 tons of CO₂.
  2. OIF could scale up to remove 60 gigatons of CO₂ per year, enough to restore pre-industrial levels.
  3. The 1991 eruption of Mt. Pinatubo unintentionally demonstrated OIF’s potential when volcanic ash triggered a phytoplankton bloom, leading to a measurable cooling effect.

At the Climate Restoration Alliance (CRA), we focus on science-backed, scalable solutions that don’t just slow climate change but reverse it. OIF is one of the most promising tools we have to achieve that goal.

Read the full post by Peter Fiekowsky here.