OIF (Ocean Iron Fertilization) mimics a natural CO₂ removal process by adding trace amounts of iron to the ocean surface, stimulating phytoplankton growth.
Before launching our pilot OIF project, we are conducting a small-scale experiment in California to test the measurement equipment. This involves deploying three buoys with satellite-connected sensors.
The buoys will be placed 60-70 miles offshore, floating for a short period (12-24 hours) while we monitor their position and CO₂ levels.
Thanks to your generous support, we have successfully secured the necessary funding and are now in the final stages of completion.
Progress Report
March 2025
coming soon…
February 2025
coming soon…
January 2025
coming soon…
December 2024
coming soon…
November 2024
- A visit to SOFAR in San Francisco leads to placing an order for Spotter buoy with a Bristlemouth interface to our CO2 sensors
- Inexpensive CO2 sensor options are acquired and testing initiated

- A saltwater column is constructed to test the durability of PTFE laminated filters as a membrane to protect the sensors from water, both as splashes above the water and underwater to depths of up to 5 meters

September 2024
Kick-off meeting for the project!
Thank you to all our donors, we have met our fundraising goal and the project is near completion.
We will post here the project description and outcomes soon.