A Message from the Climate Restoration Alliance Steering Committee

The Climate Restoration Alliance connects and empowers people and organizations committed to restoring a livable planet. We aim to achieve carbon dioxide levels close to pre-industrial levels by 2050 and restore our natural ecosystems to allow humanity to flourish.

The Climate Restoration Alliance invites communities, organizations, companies, faith leaders, First Nation leaders, and the general public.

We partner with key First Nation leaders, faith leaders, corporate leaders, organizations, and the general public through our Ambassadors Program. Ambassadors invite their communities and followers to commit to climate restoration as the climate goal we all want.

The Climate Restoration Alliance is a program of the Grandparents Climate Restoration Fund, a US-based 501(c)3 charitable organization. The Grandparents Fund supports critical climate restoration programs to ensure a historically safe climate for our children by 2050.

Climate  Restoration Alliance Steering Committee
Climate Restoration Alliance Steering Committee

Ambassador of the Month: Chuck Tomaselli
Climate Restoration Ambassador to Rotary

Thank you for responding to our invitation to endorse the Climate Restoration Alliance Resolution. Together, we intentionally create the world we want our grandchildren and all children to inherit.

I often think about the abundant and glorious world of nature I experienced as a child and the limitless possibility I felt. I want that world for our grandchildren. Surveys tell us that today’s youth do not experience the same sense of hope and possibility.

I contribute regularly to The Grandparents Fund to ensure that my and your grandchildren will have the future we want for them. Please consider joining me in contributing to The Grandparents Fund to ensure we achieve our goal of restoring the atmosphere to pre-industrial levels by 2050.

Many of us may not be here by that time, but we can choose how we leave this planet for those we love and cherish.

Fill your day with joy!

Warmest Regards,

Chuck Tomaselli
Climate Restoration Ambassador to Rotary

Introducing: The Grandparents Fund for Climate Restoration

The Climate Restoration Alliance is one of the programs managed by The Grandparents Fund for Climate Restoration (also known as The Climate Restoration Fund), a US-based 501(c)3 charitable organization.

The Grandparents Fund supports critical climate restoration programs to ensure a historically safe climate for our children by 2050. We believe that 2024 is the Year of Climate Restoration, and we will succeed thanks to your support.

Greetings from the Philippines!

We are developing the first climate restoration project in the Philippines. Peter Fiekowsky returned recently from a visit there, after enjoying the islands with filmmaker John Bowey, where they filmed for John’s documentary series, “The Climate Restorers,” on the slopes of Mt. Pinatubo.

Following its eruption in 1991, Mt. Pinatubo caused global dimming and temperature decreases. For 15 months after the eruption, the world experienced net-zero emissions. This “Pinatubo Pause” provides insights into large-scale CO2 removal, which we aim to replicate through dedicated research expeditions. Stay tuned!

Shifting the Conversation

Over the last few months, we passed a milestone in integrating climate restoration into policy discussions in Washington, DC. Peter Fiekowsky, co-founder of the Grandparents Fund, discussed restoring a safe climate with staff at the EPA, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), and the House Science Committee’s energy subcommittee.

Our 2024 Plan

Our plan for 2024 is to:

1) Continue to develop the first Ocean Iron Fertilization (OIF) project, which has the potential to restore a pre-industrial atmosphere. OIF can revive the ocean, provide food security, and remove gigatons of CO2 from the atmosphere using existing technology and funding.

2) Continue to develop the Climate Restoration Alliance by inviting additional Ambassadors and reaching out to additional audiences. Specifically for Rotary, our goal is for Rotary International to take on Climate Restoration as its next “Global Cause”.

We are raising $250K for further development of our programs. Your partnership and support are crucial in achieving our climate restoration goals.

Please donate to The Grandparents Fund:


Thank you for your support!